
目前顯示的是 2017的文章

[遊記] 大阪南森町站-名代宇奈とと鰻魚飯

2017/3/25,午餐是天神橋筋商店街的平價烤鰻魚飯-名代 宇奈とと 官方網站,有分店與菜單資訊:http://www.unatoto.com 喜歡吃鰻魚的人可以試試,我的這份招牌餐800日圓,CP值算高,鰻魚跟飯的份量都算很足夠。但...我必須老實說,沒有到令人驚艷的美味就是了,一整份就是鰻魚與飯,吃久了其實有點膩,可能因為我沒有特別熱愛鰻魚的關係,換作是蛋糕我應該會吃得很開心。 黑色的一串是鰻魚肝,很特別就點來吃,軟軟的沒什麼特別的味道,也是蠻下飯的料理。 店內燒烤味很重,待起來不是很舒適,我們吃完就匆匆離開了。 We had "UNATON" for our lunch in UNATOTO restaurant at Minamimorimachi station, Osaka. The UNATON is basically made by the grilled eel with rice. They've got website here: http://www.unatoto.com The grilled eel makes a good match with the rice. If you love grilled eel, or you're seeking for traditional Japan cuisine, it would be a good choice. The black one in the picture is grilled eel liver. It's soft. I couldn't think of a word to describe the taste, but it's good. To me, it's kind of...boring to finish a big plate of UNATON without any other side dishes. Moreover, the smell of grilled food pervades the restaurant which makes you stinky after finish the meals. We finished ou...

[遊記] 大阪南森町站-中村屋可樂餅

2017/3/25, 早上9:00搭到地鐵南森町站,來到天神橋筋商店街的可樂餅攤位,據說挺有名的。沒什麼人排隊,只有兩種口味,我點的是肉口味(120日幣) 炸得剛剛好也吃的到新鮮的肉汁,是讓人滿足的平價小點心,很推薦大家經過可以嚐嚐。 中午12:00經過時就已經大排長龍了,慶幸自己有早點到。 There's a great Croquette street vendor at Minamimorimachi station, Osaka. They provide two flavors, one is meat, and the other I believe would be potato. I ordered the meat one. It's crispy outside and juicy inside and I loved it. I got there at 9:00 o'clock, and there weren't many people buying it. However, later I walked by  there at noon, there were plenty of people waiting in line for this delicacy. It's an inexpensive choice for someone who would like to try some Japanese street food. I fully recommend it. 肉餅內餡是肉末跟洋蔥的樣子/ tasted like onions and ground meat  攤位照片/Croquette street vendor and my corquette